Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday Blues...........

Another weekend has come and gone.........But where DID it go??? It was a relaxing weekend at home. Watched a movie (Broken Bridges w/ Toby Keith....if you get a chance it's a good movie), spent some quality time with hubby and dalton, and i got three cards and two layouts done! Woohooo!
Now the work week begins again and i am not prepared! LOL

Oh, did i mention that i fell down on friday?? Oh yeah, big patch of ice......stepped out of the car and WHAM!! Most of the trauma was to my left knee and of course my ego when my hair wrapped around my head and then i plunged my chin into the ice knocking my glasses sideways.....all while my patient watched from the safety of her front porch!
I do not recommend trying to make ice angels.........they are not nearly as fun as the snow ones are!
Anywho! All is well! I saw the doc, nothing broken. Just bruised and a very pretty purple! my favorite color!
Hope everyone has a good week!


Yvonne said...

Ouch! I'm glad nothing is broken. You know I hurt my left foot {because of these stinkins toys all over the floor} two weeks ago and it still hurt when I walk... For days I was limping.:-(

Lucy Chesna said...

OUCH!!! You poor thing...I hope you feel better soon and YES now ice angels for

Pat said...

Owie! Be careful out there girlie!

Carrie Postma said...

oh my goodness!!! Thanks for the advice on "ice angels"...good to know, good to know.
hope the purpleness goes away soon!

Anonymous said...

Goodness girl! That had to hurt a ton! I hope you heal quickly and feel better really soon! xoxo

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you slipped!! Glad nothing is broken.

Kerry McKibbins said...

I'm glad you are still in one piece. Ow! Feel good!