Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rusty Pickle Goodness for The April Blog Challenge

Ok, here's my finished product from the April Sketch. I used 100 % Rusty Pickle Products! Even the alpha stamps are Rusty Pickle :)

This was a really fun sketch, and i'm a big fan of the outdoors, so this paper was perfect!

So tell me what do you think?

Friday, April 10, 2009

CKC St. Louis was Fantastic!

Mom and i got to spend a couple of days in St. Louis at CKC last weekend. We had a very good time and enjoyed our classes for the most part.

On Friday we met up with my awesomely talented friend Libby at the Rusty Pickle booth to chat for a bit. On Saturday we helped with tear down, and i have to admit, i think we beat our Kansas City tear down record by about 10 minutes! LOL BECAUSE WE ROCK!

Saturday evening after tear down, mom, Libby, Myself, Nanette and her Daughter all went to eat at Steak and Shake and shared a few laughs!

It was great to see Libby again and i've started the countdown to Kansas City!

I'll leave you with a couple of pics.............
Our dirty hands after all that hard work:

Two Pickle Fans and a Chef:

The Saturday Tear Down Crew:

Monday, April 06, 2009

Memories From The Attic April Kit!

Wow! Let me just say that this kit is UBER cute! AND you can give the completed projects as awesome Mother's Day Gifts!

You get a Wooden Purse to alter and a set of scrabble tiles, fasteners and leather cording to create your own custom necklace.

Here are my finished projects........Let me know what you think!?

Memories From The Attic Blog Hop Winners from here!

Ok, i put all the participants from challenge #1 in a hat...............Dalton drew a name..............and the winner is Cathy in UT!! Please e-mail or PM me your address so i can get a prize out to you!

The winner for Challenge #2 is.............Scrappyshel!! I have your address girly! I'll get your prize in the mail!

Thank you to everyone that played with us!

Be watching for pics from the Attic April Kit! It is just too cute!