Sunday, December 31, 2006


Well another year has come and gone! Seems like only yesterday Dalton was just learning to walk..................but i blinked my eyes and now he will be ten in less than two months!

Alot of things have happened this year both good and bad...............but hubby and i did quit smoking. So we can cross that off the list of New Year's Resolutions. I never really make a list of things i want to do for the next year.........but this year i am going too. I have decided on three for now. But i may have to extend it when i am not so tired and can think harder.

1. Keep from having surgery a third year in a row.
2. Make it on to a design team or be published in a magazine. Maybe both?? ( I guess you have to actually submit to get published??)
3. Take a family vacation with all the time off hours i save from not having surgery.........LOL

So here's to a great year in 2007!!!
what are your goals/resolutions??


Yvonne said...

I'm not making a list this year. :-) By the way I added your blog link to my blog. Hope thats okay.

Happy New year to you and your family!

Pat said...

I like your "no surgery" clause, here's to that one for both of us!
Good luck on all your goals this year - hope you acheive them and much much more!

Jaime said...

cool, i'm linked on someone else's blog! LOL thanks yvonne!

i will add you to my clause granny! :)