Friday, November 30, 2007

I have an Announcement.


I have been asked to join the Memories From The Attic Design Team!! Awesome group of ladies over there and even a few that i already knew! Congrats to the other Attic Girls! I can't wait to begin working with you!

There will be a weekend crop starting on Dec. 7th with Sketches by the Awesomely talented Lucy Chesna! Prizes to give away, but most of all lots of fun and scrapping!

So Check it Out!! You won't want to miss it!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig............

Surgery went well. I am home and progressing nicely. I'm not going to be participating in any marathons this week.............but maybe next week!
Hope everyone had a Wonderful Thanksgiving!
Have you put your Christmas tree up yet?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Turkey Day!

It's fast approaching us! Where are you going this holiday?

After much deliberation by myself, my hubby and my doctor i will be having surgery this coming wednesday. I should be released and on my way home for turkey day. Just not sure i will feel like eating any. So, could you please eat something extra for me??

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hurricane .............

This week i feel like i have been sucked into one. So many words to accurately describe them. Sorry to all my friends near and far if i have been hateful or short. I honestly didn't realize i was/am being that way. Hopefully it will pass soon. Tomorrow is the day for my tests, so i hope they figure something out and get my surgery over with so i can return to some kind of "normalcy."

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Was that me i just met on the highway??

Another busy week in the Grider household...........more doctor visits for me. It's no secret that my internal organs of the female nature hate me........but come on already! the prospect of 3 surgeries in three years is making me quite down in the dumps! I saw my doctor this week and looks like i will be having another surgery soon. I will have more tests on Wednesday to determine why my ovary is screaming (we are pretty sure we know) and then on the 16th we are "getting our gameplan together" as my doctor calls it. He wants to take it out. I'm ok with that. I think..............

Wednesday was Halloween of course! My boys had a good time carving the pumpkin.

I had a bleeding skeleton, a spiderman and his spider. I think we should have taken the pics BEFORE trick or treating....but sometimes my brain doesn't function the way it should. LOL

Saturday was our towns fall festival. Lots of money being earned for our PTO who has done wonderful things for our school this year! Not as big of turn out as was hoped, but still and enjoyable day. I captured this pic on our square and i just liked it. The amish from our community made some beautiful baskets to sell. My aunt sue will be getting a copy of this one. she is all about amish! LOL

That's all i have for today! Thanks for reading and hope to see you again soon!